I have Prêt-à-Yoga and love it, but was looking for additional yoga apps to vary things up. This one looked promising and although it only had 3 reviews they were all good so I gave it a go. It really was not at all what I expected. What instersted me most was the fact that you could create your own routines, which is cool in theory, but it literally just shows you each pose and a running timer. Prêt actually walks to you through each pose with a soothing voice and detailed instruction. This app just feels like it throws a bunch of poses together, most of which dont really flow one after the other. Some of the poses have videos, but you have to click on the video button on each pose to see it (a lot of time you can click on the button but there is no video available which I found annoying). It does have info with a voice guide, but its literally a robotic voice reading copy, very broken up. It might work as a yoga deck if you want to see various poses, but not as a fluid yoga routine. Honestly, save your money or go for Prêt instead. It has more limited routines, but they flow better.
yariarenas about Bikram Yoga